Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle

The original quote, with slang

Madison: I don't take my orders from a speaker box anymore. I work for myself now.

Natalie: Well, your boss sucks.

What does it mean?

Madison: I don't take my orders from a speaker box anymore. I work for myself now.

Natalie: Well, your boss is terrible.

The original quote, with slang

Alex: What d'you think?

Dylan: (looking at a guy) Yummy.

Alex: OK... Nat, reel him in.

Dylan: Why?

Alex: You always fall for the bad guy.

What does it mean?

Alex: What do you think?

Dylan: (looking at a guy) He looks delicious.

Alex: OK... Natalie, go bring him in (as you would a fish).

Dylan: Why not me?

Alex: You always fall in love with the bad guy.

The original quote, with slang

Bosley: I got sand in my ass, I can hardly walk!

What does it mean?

Bosley: I've got sand between my buttocks. I can hardly walk!

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