Garden State

The original quote, with slang

Andrew: But Kenny, the last time I saw you, you were doing coke lines off a urinal.

Kenny: I know, I know, man. But it was time for me to grow up, you know? Plus, I wasn't making shit at that fish market. No one knew who I was, I couldn't get laid. Yeah, it's a much better situation for me now.

What does it mean?

Andrew: But Kenny, the last time I saw you, you were inhaling cocaine from a urinal.

Kenny: I know, I know, friend. But it was time for me to grow up, understand? Plus, I wasn't making any money at that fish market. No one knew who I was, no one would have sex with me. Yes, it's a much better situation for me now.

The original quote, with slang

Andrew: Let's just talk about good stuff.

Sam: Good stuff?

Andrew: Yeah. Glass half full shit. What do you got?

Sam: I got a little buzz. I got that. What you got?

Andrew: I got a little buzz going and I like you.

What does it mean?

Andrew: Let's just talk about good things.

Sam: Good things?

Andrew: Yes. Optimistic things. What do you have?

Sam: I am a little drunk. I have that. What do you have?

Andrew: I am a little drunk and I like you.

The original quote, with slang

Andrew: I think we've corrupted this innocent girl enough for one day!

Sam: I'm not innocent.

Andrew: Yes, you are! That's what I like about you, okay? And I don't want this guy taking you to some sketchy quarry in the middle of Newark to find crack whores huffing turpentine or pit bulls raping each other or whatever else is down here!

What does it mean?

Andrew: I think we've corrupted this innocent girl enough for one day!

Sam: I'm not innocent.

Andrew: Yes, you are! That's what I like about you, okay? And I don't want this man taking you to some questionable quarry in the middle of Newark to find crack coacaine addicted prostitutes breathing turpentine as a drug or pit bull dogs raping each other or whatever else is down here!

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